As we celebrate the incredible achievements, historical importance, and modern tenacity of what it means to be a woman navigating this world, I want to take a moment to reflect on the word “resilience”.
Resilience is often described as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.
It is often seen as a certain toughness or grit that keeps you going and going despite all odds. This also means that some of the most resilient people have historically been and still are women in an inequitable world.
But the point I want to make is that resilience isn’t limitless.
The only way we can stay resilient is to keep replenishing it from its source. Our why. Our purpose.
We need to keep filling up in small ways every day through self-care and self-development, so we have a reservoir of resilience to pull from when the time calls for it.
Imagine this… A full pot of water is heavy. Sometimes it takes a lot more effort… using both hands… to pour all that hot bubbling passion out of it.
That pot is your reservoir, and we can keep it full by replenishing it from a source - your purpose.
If you’re struggling to identify your source of resilience, maybe it's time to talk to someone who can support you on that journey. Our platform matches you to therapists and coaches who understand your culture, language and/or religion – for culturally competent care, join our waitlist so we can connect you.
Because when we pour hope and empathy into others, we pour back into ourselves.
Happy Women’s History Month!
Remember, we want you to thrive - mentally, physically, and emotionally - so you can start living the life you truly deserve.
Tell us on Instagram, how do you harness your resilience?
By Lola Akinmade