Let’s talk about men's mental health

Let’s talk about men's mental health


June is Men’s Health Month and every year, it’s observed to encourage men and boys to proactively take care of their health. For us at Tala Thrive, mental health is part of that holistic equation.

Chances are you know a man within your close circles who was taught not to cry. Growing up, maybe he was told not to show his emotions, to hold it all in, and “be a man”. That therapy is for the “weak”. Maybe he comes from a culture that doesn’t believe in soliciting external experts to discuss these issues.

Maybe you’re that man yourself.

Oftentimes, witnessing our role models and icons talking about their own mental health journey can be the inspiration we need to empower us to push past personal barriers and fully take charge of our wellness journeys.

As part of our Humans of Tala Thrive series, we spoke with pro footballer Steven Caulker about his own mental health journey and how he takes care of himself mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Watch the episode here

“The biggest challenge was getting out of my own way," Steven shares. "I felt that I could do it myself, so I spent a few good years just trying to do it alone, and discovered the hard way that that wasn't possible."

Steven finally started therapy and credits it for his growth. Our mission at Tala Thrive is to provide access to therapists and coaches who can also help you address generational and personal traumas, which may be subconsciously preventing you from fully thriving.

As your reminder during Men’s Health Month, connect with a therapist or coach who can support you across multiple intersections. Our platform matches you to experts who understand your culture, language, and/or religion, and can provide culturally competent care and support. So sign up at Tala Thrive so we can connect you!

Remember, we want you to thrive - mentally, physically, and emotionally - so you can start living the life you truly deserve.

By Lola Akinmade Åkerström